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Jane Finch Mall

8.2 / 10

opens at 10:00 today

Shopping centre  
Welcome to the official Jane Finch Mall Facebook page. Like us on Facebook to be the first to hear about special sales and exclusive events! Jane Finch Mall is located at the south-east corner of Jane Street and Finch Avenue, easily accessible from highway 400 and by public transit. With over 75 shops and services, including a brand new 44,000 sq. ft. Read more

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Popularity of Jane Finch Mall

Jane Finch Mall Social Media Popularity Score:
8.2 / 10
  This value is based on the number of visitors, checkins, and likes on Facebook in the last few months.
Most activity in February:
Jane Finch Mall has a total of 3994 visitors (checkins) and 994 likes.