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Once Upon A Child - Fredericton, NB

7.5 / 10

opens at 11:00 tomorrow

Baby and children's clothing shop  
Once Upon A Child buys and sells gently used kids’ stuff. Proudly owned and operated locally. At Once Upon A Child®, we offer parents a fun and convenient way to buy and sell gently used kids’ stuff, making saving money on children's clothes, toys, baby furniture and equipment a reality every day. We focus on quality, safety and value — the same things you do for your own families. Update description

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Updates from Once Upon A Child - Fredericton, NB

Popularity of Once Upon A Child - Fredericton, NB

Once Upon A Child - Fredericton, NB Social Media Popularity Score:
7.5 / 10
  This value is based on the number of visitors, checkins, and likes on Facebook in the last few months.
Most activity in February:
Once Upon A Child - Fredericton, NB has a total of 5 visitors (checkins) and 2715 likes.